Some days you get up and you don't know why, but you can sense that the day is going to tank. You get up and say what up! far so good..then you start to think about your day and all you have to do. Some of those things will make you smile and then don't know why, there's no solid, concrete reason, but dread begins to seep into your mind and you just can't shake it.
You go through the steps to make your day better, the positive attitude is in place.. then the bus takes a while to come or your car doesn't start and you shake it off, you already made up your mind not to sweat the tiny stuff.
Then as your day progress and you get to the part of the day that caused you to feel a bit of dread before and you get through it, unscaled and you breathe a sigh of relief. One road hump...conquered.
Then, you don't know why but little things are becoming harder to ignore, and as much as you try to brush it off, for every problem you brush off, one teeny tiny bit of residue remains on your shoulders and for every problem, issue, upset and mishap you brush away, the pile of residue on your shoulder grows in size.
That's when you start to feel short tempered, the sun is suddenly beating to hot, or the wind is blowing you the wrong way, there is not enough space in the bus, the radio is only playing foolishness, the person across the hallway doesn't know that their cellphone conversation is exceeding the sound barrier and some idiot asks you an obvious got my point yet?
Things that would not normally be a problem are suddenly and quickly becoming irritating.
What do you do? Do you snap at the person who seems to push their irritating behavior to the edge of your last nerve? Or walk away thinking evil thoughts, such as "If I could push my boot through your head I would.."
Well, I can say walk away, but not with evil thoughts. Just walk away from it all, find some place you can be alone and let it all out. Talk to the wall, the universe, your teddy bear, your pillow, any inanimate object that cannot be consumed, really. Some people write it out, but if you are like me and just want to let go of all the things that are bothering you, just talking out loud or yelling/screaming away you frustration is enough.
You can only carry the weight on your shoulders for so long, before it becomes to heavy a burden. Sometimes, having a mortal person to share your load (for example- talking about the annoying things to someone close to you) can be just as annoying, especially when that person is telling you everything is going to be O.K.
You know it will be, you just need to let out all you have bottled up, not hear the advice. The best thing you can do for someone is just to listen, and that is sometimes the best thing someone can do for you.
So, today's lesson, don't feel that you must never speak of your problems, you can, even if it's to an empty room, you have to release the discomfort to the universe and reconnect with your positive attitude and you will find that life may just become bearable again.
Here's to positive people!
This is some good advice. I am a horrible listener. I'm that person that can't keep his trap shut and says everything is going to be A. O.K. I will have to work on that.