Wednesday, 23 March 2011

To be Sheep or NOT To Be Sheep

So I mentioned in my last post that if I can't be a LEADER then I will be NEUTRAL. I'm pretty sure many of us have grown up with the mentality that if you aren't a leader, then you have to be a follower. However, as I always tell myself, there is always option C.

I walk to the beat of my own drum and I refuse to follow anyone because I have no choice. There is always a choice, if you go along with the crowd, don't just follow blindly, and if anyone asks you why you are doing something, don't EVER say that you are doing it because everyone is doing it.

When you are in a group there is a leader and of course the members of the team. The leader is really a moderator , who fields the ideas of the team members and makes final decisions on what transpires among the group. Each person should have a voice and talking things out is a good way to ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute to the direction of the group without being a dormant sheep. If your group is doing something you don't like, do you just blindly follow?

I ask thee my good fellows, ask not what your country(or group) can do for you but what you can do for your country(or group).

You speak out and let your concerns be heard. Don't just go along with majority ruling especially, if they have not heard the reasons why some people are opposed to a decision. If in situations like that you find that your attempts to be heard and to contribute to the direction of the group are not recognized, if there is no way you can abstain from being a part of the group, then do nothing or in other words be neutral.

In a class or work setting, take it to a higher power. At times like that, more than your honor is at stake, it can be your money and your grade. Be a leader, speak out and talk to the group and if they don't listen and the group is tanking the project you are in, ask to be transfered due to irreconcilable differences. And if that fails, think about it, weigh the options  then decide for yourself if this is where you want to be, if it is put your all in it, if it isn't then don't wait on people to change things, remove yourself.

When being neutral, people will ridicule you and ask why you don't do anything to change it, if you have tried and I mean really tried, then by all means let the sheep walk of the cliff, just don't reluctantly follow.

As the steps to attaining a better day said, your actions must match your words. Take your position and stick with it. Be a leader in life and ensure your mind is clear, know yourself and allow no one to change you, just because their way is better, change yourself because you believe it is better.

If you cannot justify for yourself the actions you are taking then hit the brakes and stop what you are doing because it cannot be something you have decided for yourself to do, the herd decided it and you went with it.

Remember, humans are separated from other animals simply because we have FREE WILL, utilize it.

Next post I think I will look at how to know what you are doing is the right thing. No point exercising your free will and end up doing the wrong thing.

Here's to positive people!

1 comment:

  1. I will be looking forward to the next post. I agree with you. Sometimes taking a stand and being neutral is a good way to handle situations but there will come times when you have to give in and blindly follow orders. Try looking at it from their perspective or make sure if you have too that some good will come of it. Like some greater and beneficial goal will be achieved
