Friday, 18 March 2011

Get up and say What Up!

People of the world!! What up! I was inspired, captured, filled with wonder, by the world of blogging...isn't it really just a virtual diary...but with public access. So what if it is, some people place some very interesting post, and it's always nice to hear what people have to say...but what about YOU! DO you have a say??

This blog is just about you relaxing, finding yourself and living life to your best. I do not have a PHD and the university i'm getting this information from is called life, its's all something i have tried that worked out for me so i'm hoping it can do the same.

So... get up and say what up! I know people are thinking what does this silly girl mean, who should i say it to, what's the point, and if i get up and say what up what difference does it make...

Well, it's been said in so many ways before, if you haven't heard about karma, or the saying, " what goes around comes around" then really haven't been out of your house, met anyone or owned any technological gadget like a tv or radio since you first drew a breath...

The get up and say what up principle encompasses those things... if you wake up positive you and give off a positive vibe, the universe will reward you with the same.

Making sense yet? Thought not, maybe because you are wondering, what about the haters, the traffic,  bills and such things of the like...
Do this with me...just laugh..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...and say... CAN'T STUDY OTHERS UNTIL I FIX MYSELF!!

Does't mean you are to drive the road like you are the only one, or because someone at work or school doesn't like you, you can't work with them..the suggestive solutions are coming, for right now just try the Get Up and say What UP and you are saying it out loud to the universe, see if that one change makes any difference.

Here's to positive thinking people!

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