So..its been the best day ever!
It's been tough being back home, having all my plans fall through, in particular the ones pertaining to a job/internship (and it gets harder to find one with each passing day since I go back to Jamaica in September and no one wants to hire a gal who's bouncing in a few months...oh well-keep you posted on that), still haven't seen people that I should get up and see (or should come see me)...that said...TODAY, MAY 20TH WAS THE BESTEST DAY EVER!!!!!
Why...simply because I spent it with Handsome.
We rented movies and spent the day in bed just watching them, went for a walk ( don't mind it was to collect my niece from daycare, was still fun) and then finished the rest of the was perfect.
Its only when he was leaving that my sister reminded us of the countdown that should have the world in its know...the one that is counting down to the end of the world...which is supposedly tomorrow.
Without realizing it, I had spent the day doing what I would want to do if it really was my last day on earth.
I don't know about other people but when you suddenly stop and think 'whoa this could be my last day on earth' and you don't regret anything you have done or the person you do it may very well have found the "love of your life"
If you have found someone that you can spend the day with and be perfectly content and you can sense that the person you are with feels the same way then hold on to that person.
I love my Handsome, not sure how it happened or why the Lord saw fit to bless me with him in my lifetime but He did so I wont complain.
I have a task for you out there on the world wide or do something just to let your loved one know that you appreciate their presence in your life, take in their reaction and let me know how you felt seeing it happen, doesn't have to be a big thing, just a token to let them know your feelings...people forget sometimes.
Here's to positive people!
P.s. not my normal post but felt it was needed-positive living comes mainly from within but you also need love, if you need it you can bet that your significant other needs it as well- healthy relationships are the supporting columns to a healthy you.
I love you Princess :)