Monday, 9 May 2011

Dilemma-Knowingly take a job I hate cuz the Money's good?

It's so good to be home yay! Spending time with my family and Handsome so far is proving to be fun.

That said however, I can only be a bum for so long and with a bank account which has a needle fast approaching empty, the next order of business is to find a job. I sent out applications before I left Jamaica via email and for those who did reply the result was negative...oh well.

 After that I tried to get the school to help me out with an internship, a stipend is better than no money at all. And I was led, to an extent, to believe that this would be forth coming, to find out later that they want me to do my internship instead in december(internship is a requirement for my course) so that ship set sail without me on it.

Coming back, my sister, who works in a store at the airport let me in on a job opportunity. This is the dilemma. This job pays exceedingly well, so much so that even people who are on the airport staff already are applying for the position, changing their departments because of the pay. Its about close to $2000 a month. Here's the catch, its the cleaning staff.

So while the money looks good, cleaning toilets after strangers is very offsetting for me...I'm not germaphobic but germs do cause me be honest, if it where a cleaning job for a private home I won't mind but its the thought of countless strangers and if any of you have been in a public restroom, I'm sure at some point you have said 'I do not want to be the one who has to clean that up!'

I mean I could really use a job bringing in that sort of cash...legally (lol) but money isnt everything...and theres still some time to find other options, not that there is a guarantee that I get the job....

Apply for a job I know I will hate, just for the money?

What do you think, would you?

Here's to positive people!


  1. First off I'm so glad your home to your wonderful family and handsome. It must be really tough to be away from them. As for the job situation, I agree with you money isn't everything and if you are not in dire need of it and can get by with less then I would go for a position that will not make you uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with cleaning toilets but it just isn't for everyone even me.

  2. Thanks for the input Momma Star, I will still place if on the list of places I apply to because right now its on a who accepts me first basis as I will only be able to work for 4 months before leaving again, this makes me a bad candidate for most of the jobs available on the market...will keep positive tho! :-)

  3. I'll support you whatever you choose but I prefer something you can handle. So happy you are home P :)

  4. If you know that you won't like it, I probably wouldn't do it. If you think that it would be okay, go for it. The money isn't everything.
