Friday, 20 May 2011

Show and Tell-Appreciation

So..its been the best day ever!

It's been tough being back home, having all my plans fall through, in particular the ones pertaining to a job/internship (and it gets harder to find one with each passing day since I go back to Jamaica in September and no one wants to hire a gal who's bouncing in a few months...oh well-keep you posted on that), still haven't seen people that I should get up and see (or should come see me)...that said...TODAY, MAY 20TH WAS THE BESTEST DAY EVER!!!!!

Why...simply because I spent it with Handsome.

We rented movies and spent the day in bed just watching them, went for a walk ( don't mind it was to collect my niece from daycare, was still fun) and then finished the rest of the was perfect.

Its only when he was leaving that my sister reminded us of the countdown that should have the world in its know...the one that is counting down to the end of the world...which is supposedly tomorrow.
Without realizing it, I had spent the day doing what I would want to do if it really was my last day on earth.

I don't know about other people but when you suddenly stop and think 'whoa this could be my last day on earth' and you don't regret anything you have done or the person you do it may very well have found the "love of your life"

If you have found someone that you can spend the day with and be perfectly content and you can sense that the person you are with feels the same way then hold on to that person.

I love my Handsome, not sure how it happened or why the Lord saw fit to bless me with him in my lifetime but He did so I wont complain.

I have a task for you out there on the world wide or do something just to let your loved one know that you appreciate their presence in your life, take in their reaction and let me know how you felt seeing it happen, doesn't have to be a big thing, just a token to let them know your feelings...people forget sometimes.

Here's to positive people!

P.s. not my normal post but felt it was needed-positive living comes mainly from within but you also need love, if you need it you can bet that your significant other needs it as well- healthy relationships are the supporting columns to a healthy you.

Friday, 13 May 2011

The Red Riding Hood Saga-Job hunting

So who knew that going back to Jamaica in four months time was going to be a hindrance to finding a job for the summer...I didn't expect it to be such the hassle.

I decided  that the quickest way for me to find a job, as I desperately don't want to go back to the job I had before I left for school ( it was one of those dead end jobs that you can literally see your soul being sucked out of you - plus the situation in that workplace was no where near satisfactory for the employees), was to sign on with an employment agency.

After all what better way to find a job than to have people who make a living looking for jobs help you?

Welcome to Skye Theater- playing to night the family classic- Red Riding Hood...

So as the story goes Red Riding Hood (me) sets off to find Grandma's House (job) along the way she sees the woodsman (employment agency) who points here in the right direction...sadly he neglects to issue any warning about the Big Bad Wolf ( my four month expiry date). Lil Red Riding Hood sets on her merry way laughing and singing and finally finds Grandma's House after following the Woodsman's directions.

'Oh Grandma (potential employer) what a great opportunity you are offering' says Red Riding Hood
'All the better for you my dear' Says Grandma
'Well Grandma i'll stay and work for you until September where I have to fly off to a foreign land to study up on how better to service you" Says Red Riding Hood
'Oh no!, you can't do that I need someone who will work for me long term not just until the Big Bad Wolf comes' Says Grandma.

And can guess how that story ended.

 Grandma says leave your application, and secretly you feel her plotting to stay far away from the Big Bad Wolf....

Well Red Riding Hood continues her quest for a job before she succumbs and runs back home (or in the real life version of this story ...the soul sucking job)

Through all this though I falter and lose the positive outlook sometimes, I feel everything will work out and if you ever find your self in a position where the world seems stacked against you, find the person you can confide in (for me its my Handsome) vent it out and then go smiling back into the world.

Here's to positive people!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Dilemma-Knowingly take a job I hate cuz the Money's good?

It's so good to be home yay! Spending time with my family and Handsome so far is proving to be fun.

That said however, I can only be a bum for so long and with a bank account which has a needle fast approaching empty, the next order of business is to find a job. I sent out applications before I left Jamaica via email and for those who did reply the result was negative...oh well.

 After that I tried to get the school to help me out with an internship, a stipend is better than no money at all. And I was led, to an extent, to believe that this would be forth coming, to find out later that they want me to do my internship instead in december(internship is a requirement for my course) so that ship set sail without me on it.

Coming back, my sister, who works in a store at the airport let me in on a job opportunity. This is the dilemma. This job pays exceedingly well, so much so that even people who are on the airport staff already are applying for the position, changing their departments because of the pay. Its about close to $2000 a month. Here's the catch, its the cleaning staff.

So while the money looks good, cleaning toilets after strangers is very offsetting for me...I'm not germaphobic but germs do cause me be honest, if it where a cleaning job for a private home I won't mind but its the thought of countless strangers and if any of you have been in a public restroom, I'm sure at some point you have said 'I do not want to be the one who has to clean that up!'

I mean I could really use a job bringing in that sort of cash...legally (lol) but money isnt everything...and theres still some time to find other options, not that there is a guarantee that I get the job....

Apply for a job I know I will hate, just for the money?

What do you think, would you?

Here's to positive people!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Returning to Beautiful Barbados

Home is where the heart is!!! And I'm on my way back to it!

Was a great year schoolwise...for the most part. Awesome learning experience being in Jamaica and being on my own. For those of you who pick up your lives and move to different countries or states, I applaud you, it isn't something to be taken lightly, especially if you have close family ties. Homesickness can be a silent killer.

For this post all I have to say really is HOME HERE I COME! I've missed my family and Handsome(my future hubby) and I can't wait to get some well deserved R&R before school begins again.

So to all, enjoy the time you have available with the people you love, you only realize how much they impact your life when they aren't playing a vital role anymore.

Here's to positive people!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Ageless Truths

I am a die hard Law and order Criminal intent and SVU fan, if theres a marathon it doesnt matter if I've seen them already, I WILL see them again lol.

Recently the new Criminal Intent season has started and I realized something that says alot about our perception in today's world. Here's an interesting fact, in the new season Detective Goren is riddled with gray hair and his partner Eames has apparently discovered the fountain of youth with her perpetually dark blonde hair.

And this happens in many pictures, men with gray hair, seen as a sign as wisdom...woman with gray hair...shes losing her touch on reality.  (I'm not saying my observations are correct but you get were I'm going with this.)

Ageing is something to be embraced by all genders, not to be covered up with the modern day technology of plastic surgery and hair dye. Gray hair says, I've been there, learnt what I needed to know and can move to other things.

I write this post because I, although I have nothing against plastic surgery, make up and the like, I believe they have a place in society and uses, but relying on these things to make you beautiful is not the way to go, ageing is not a disease, to be prescribed cosmetic surgery to fix, it should be embraced and revered.

Hope that when I get mature, I can tell a story for every gray hair in my head. :-)

Here's to positive people.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Say this Say That

Today's post, will be short and simple and is all about the sayings in life that crop up from time to time, just a reminder to try looking on the bright side of things and also to keep yourself focused.
Life hands you lemons make lemonade...this saying is so popular, it's been revamped, to include other analogies all more or less meaning make the best of whatever situation you are in.

It's never easy, in fact finding your glimmer of hope in some situations is like being four and trying to find Waldo, on those brightly coloured pages...distractions are going to be there, when you think you've found it...turns out its something else.

In life you make a goal or focus on a path and the trekking gets hard and then a shortcut pops up that shines enticingly and another saying 'all that glitters isn't gold' comes to mind. This is to remind you that taking a shortcut wont always be the easy road in the long run.

In addition, the saying the grass is always greener on the other side, this saying goes two ways, it can either be positive meaning you get off the path you are on to explore new areas or it can lead you to yet another saying which is looks can be decieving' .... the grass may be greener because that persons water bill is other words there are consequences for all actions.

The list of sayings can go on, some see them as cliche, and they are...only because they can apply to so many situations, if you want a small pick me up.

What's your favorite saying?

Here's to positive people!