Hi all, I know I said I would be blogging alot more, but I haven't lived up to that excpectation.
As unbelievable as it sounds, school is now ending it's first week and already I am swamped with school work and guild activities.
Its hectic and I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day, but I love it...stress is something I love to conquer and nothing in this world quite feels like the rush you get from knowing you achieved what you set out to do.
As much as I love it tho, there are times when I can't focus as all the work seems to be as important as the thing I started to work on...but I employ the 'big picture method.'
Ween I find that I can't focus, I take a break, take a couple deep breathes and then I reevaluate what I'm doing and it helps to center the mind, while placing things in perspective.
So for all of you out there, if you feel the pressure hitting you, take a break, take a breathe and center your mind.
Here's to positive people!